I found myself identify with the video game revolution. I grew up playing, and learning from them. My favorite. My favorite video games were from Nintendo, these games were Pokemon, and Zelda. These game made allowed me to explore different worlds, and challenge my critical thinking skills.
I do not really think that video games make people violence, and if does most of the people addicted to it will probably just be a harmless guy. In Panama I got friends that are still addicted to video games and talk a lot about violence, but in reality they are harmless. Of course, Panama and U.S. are very different countries. In Panama we do not have a gun culture.
I will agree that video games are addictive, myself as a exMMORPG can proudly say that I have been clean for over 4 years. I think that the reason MMORPG are addictive because is an escape from the frustration of life, and because bring us to explore a world. While we live in a world of responsabilities and expectations from others, in MMORPG we are completely free of choice. It is not until you understand that there bad things are part of life, and that there are many wonderful things that you are missing until you understand that it is just a game.
Video games are part of a generation. It is hardly to find someone from that generation that does not play a video game. Video games are part of society, and it is a way we experience the world. I still play video games like Fifa and League of Legends to keep in touch with friends and have a good time.
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